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A river, flows from an underground source, usually a spring under a mountain, and into an ocean or a sea. A sea is a moderately sized body of water. Most seas are a little bit larger than Lake Superior

One, a sea is much bigger and larger, whereas the river is a thin, narrow body of water. A sea is salty, because it is a part of the ocean but a river has freshwater, not salty water.

A river always leads to a sea. The part of a river where it opens into the sea is called the mouth. All of the rivers separate and separate into millions of tiny streams like roots. (this is the other side of the mouth)

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13y ago
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15y ago

A channel refers to the sea, whereas a river is an inland source of water.

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12y ago

a river goes over land and out to the sea while a a lake is sorrounded by land and never moves

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16y ago

Straits are smaller

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Q: What is the difference between river and a channel?
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