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Domestic Tourist- those who visit places within their own country.

International Tourist- those who visit countries other than their own.

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Q: What is the difference between a domestic tourist and an international tourist?
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Who is a domestic tourist and an international tourist?

a domestic tourist is a tourist who travel within his/her own country, local and an international tourist is a tourist from other countries maybe from overseas e.g a tourist travelling from Brazil to south Africa he is called an international tourist.

What is the antonyms for the word domestic?

The antonyms for the word "domestic" are "foreign" or "international."

What is the difference between a local and international tourist?

Only point of origin. A local is from the area, international, from another country

What are the types of tour itineraries?

Answer1)Transit2)stopover3)day4)cruiseAn international tourist,a regional tourist,a domestic tourist and a excursionist tourist.

Definition of international tourist?

someone who travels outside their own country as opposed to domestic tourist (someone who stays in the borders of their own country)

How are an international tourist a regional tourist a domestic tourist and a excursionist tourist defined?

1) International Tourist is the one who travels from a country to another. 0 2) Both domestic and International tourists can be considered excursionists and or regional, being the regional the one that determines one region to visit, say, going to New England, or The Alps, or one region in a country or state. The excursionist in general is also called backpacker. Usually stays in hostels and travels by different ways of transportation, hiking or cycling. It can also be defined as the tourist who travels in groups. 3) Domestic tourist is the one that travels within a country, from state to state or city to city.

What is the difference between tourist and excursionist?

There is not a big difference between tourist and excursionist. A tourist is one who visits a certain place for enjoyment. An excursionist goes to an area to see certain attractions.

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What is the difference between the traveller and the tourist?

a traveller will travel for not much reasons but tourist's go to explore

What is the difference between foreign tourists overseas tourists and domestic tourists?

A foreign tourist is a external tourist. For example, I'm Lebanese, and my friend Guy is French. If Guy came to Lebanon he is a foreign tourist. An overseas tourist would be one who travels to another country that is overseas. A domestic tourist is a person who travels in his own country. For example, I'm Lebanese and I live in Beirut, so my daily community is in Beirut, but if I go to Bekaa on the weekend, in the north of Lebanon, I'm doing traveling in my own country.

Can you be tourist in your own country?

yes you are a domestic tourist in that case.

What are 3 examples of international tourist?

three types of international tourist