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6-8 km

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Q: What is the depth range for the transition zone of the ocean?
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Ocean life in the transition zone?

Yes. Some fish do live in the ocean's transition zone. Lanterneye fish, hatchetfish, and viperfish are examples.

In Which zone is the ocean temperature most affected by the weather?

transition zone ;)

What does the ocean of the depth called?

neritic zone

What is the depth of the pelagic zone?

it is the open ocean. it is everything

What is the depth of the transition zone?

between 410 and 660 kilometers below the earth's surface.

The open ocean of any depth is called?

The open ocean of any depth is called the pelagic zone. This zone encompasses all the water in the ocean that is not near the shore or the ocean floor. Within the pelagic zone, there are different regions based on depth and light penetration, such as the epipelagic, mesopelagic, bathypelagic, and abyssopelagic zones.

The open ocean of any depth is called the?

the pelagic zone

What is a Zone of rapid change in ocean temperature is called the?

A rapid change in temperature with depth in the ocean is called thermocline. A rapid change in density with depth in the ocean is called the pynocline.Thermocline

What is the pressure of transition zone?

The pressure in the transition zone is typically around 15,000 to 30,000 psi. This zone is located between the lithosphere and asthenosphere, where the pressure gradually increases due to the increasing depth beneath the Earth's surface.

What are the ocean zones based on the distance from land and the depth of the ocean floor?

Intertidal zone, coastal ocean, and open ocean.

What ocean zones based on the distance from the land and the depth of the ocean floor are the?

Intertidal zone, coastal ocean, and open ocean.

Which benthic zone has a depth range between 200 m and 4000 m?

the bathyal zone