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The book Life by the River is written by Janet Hudson. In this story the Blackfoot Indian tribe was hit with small pox and they fought their way back in rebuilding their tribe and they bounce back after the illness.

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  • a pemmican bag thrown into the soup cut down its fishy smell a hand ful of roots rounded out the taste almost mother drank several spoonfuls that evening and smiled at me again
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Q: What is the conclusion of the story life from the river?
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it serves as their foods

What is a river story?

It is a story about a river

What the body and conclusion?

The body of a story is the main portion of the story or essay. The conclusion of the story or the essay is the resolution or the ending of that story. Both items are important parts of a story or essay.

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At the end of a interesting story i put a conclusion in it.

What is a conclustion?

a conclusion is a end of a story

Is the plot summary the conclusion?

No. The conclusion is the end of the story -- what happens after the climax. The plot summary is a short re-telling of the entire story.

What do you say in a conclusion?

That's the END of a story, tell what you wrote about in your story.

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a conclusion sentence is a sentence that concludes either a letter, peice or a story.

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The NILE river is the longest river in the SOUTH AFRICA

What trivia relates the story life from the river'' by Jan Hudson?

i dnt know.... that's why o'm searching on it....\

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