What muscles are eccentric and concentric when doing incline bench press?
The bench press has two phases: eccentric and concentric. The
first phase, as you lower weight toward your chest, is called the
eccentric, or muscle-lengthening motion. The second phase, as you
raise the weight back up, is called the concentric, or
muscle-shortening phase. It is during the concentric phase that you
can feel your chest getting tight. Learning which muscles are used
during the concentric phase of the bench press is beneficial for
focusing your mind on the correct area and therefore improving your
exercise technique.The primary concentric mover of the bench press
is the pectoralis major, which you may better know as the chest.
Depending on which version of the bench press you are doing, you
will be recruiting a specific part of the muscle group. The regular
bench press on a flat surface mainly works your middle pecs. The
incline and decline versions mainly work your upper and lower pecs,