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The regional color is royal blue and the tribal color is blackish yellow.

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Q: What is the color for the tribe Asher?
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What color is the tribe of Asher in Israel and what area of Israel did they live?

The tribe of Asher used to live on the west upper Galile. Asher tribe did not had a color, but they had a symbol-Olive Tree

What was the Asher tribe?

The Asher tribe is known as a Tribe of Israel. Asher was a land that ran along the Mediterranean Sea. The area was named Asher after the 8th son of Jacob.

Who was Asher?

Asher (אָשֵׁר) in the Book of Genesis (ch.30), is the second son of Jacob and Zilpah, and the founder of the Israelite Tribe of Asher.

Who is Pagiel in The Bible?

He was a prince of the Asher tribe, and the name means God allots in Hebrew.

What color was Jonas trying to get Asher to see in the giver?

Jonas was trying to get Asher to see the color red. In the community where they live, everything is in black and white. Jonas saw the apple change to red, and he wanted Asher to see it too.

Who is Asher in the Old Testament?

In the Old Testament, Asher is one of the twelve sons of Jacob and the founder of the Asherite tribe of Israel. Asher's descendants later inhabited a territory along the Mediterranean coast in the Promised Land.

Who is the Jewish tribe of Asher's nasi?

The nasi was Pagiel ben Achran. Please see the related link.

What happened to the apple when Jonas threw it to Asher in the book The Giver?

I changed to the color red but he didn't know what color was yet

What tribe was named for the color of their moccasins?

The Blackfoot Indian tribe .

What happend to the apple when Jonas threw it to asher?

He saw the color changing and thought he was imagining.

What happened to the apple when Jonas' threw it to Asher?

Jonas saw the apple change color.

Who is Ara in The Bible?

ARA a'-ra ('ara', meaning unknown): A son of Jether of the tribe of Asher (1 Chronicles 7:38).