The area of Bicentennial Park - Hillsboro - is 17,806.168258560003 square meters.
Bicentennial Park - Hillsboro - was created in 1976.
The area of Bicentennial Park - Miami - is 121,405.692672 square meters.
The area of Bicentennial Mall State Park is 76,890.2720256 square meters.
Bicentennial Park - Allentown - was created in 1930.
The address of the Shute Park Branch is: 775 Se Tenth Ave, Hillsboro, 97123 4784
Bicentennial Park is located in Sydney Olympic Park, Homebush Bay. Sydney is a major city on the Western coast of Australia, and the Olympic Park is near the centre.
The phone number of the Shute Park Branch is: 503-615-6500.
Galvin Park Weribee
Yellowstone was designated a national park in 1872. A BIcentennial does not occur until the 200th anniversary of an event. Thus, the Yellowstone bicentennial will not occur until 2072.
The address of the Hillsboro is: School Street, Hillsboro, 24946 0132
The address of the Hillsboro Historical Rooms is: , Hillsboro, NH 03244-0115
The address of the Hillsboro Public Library is: 100 W Commercial, Hillsboro, 52630 0117