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Arignyrc pcyictaa

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Q: What is the amount and size of the sediment that a river can move?
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How would size of the sediment in the streams load differ in the streams volume increasing or decreasing?

The size of the sediment would decrease further downstream (where there is a greater volume of water) as there is more energy in the flow. Therefore more erosion will occur and the sediment will rub together with other materials i.e other rocks or the river bed (this is called attrition). The sediment will therefore reduce in size but there will be a greater amount of it. (The amount of sediment is called the discharge.)

What affects the amount of sediments a river can carry?

The amount of sediments a river can carry is influenced by factors such as the river's velocity, volume of water, slope of the river bed, sediment particle size, and the presence of vegetation or structures that can trap sediments. Increased velocity and water volume typically result in higher sediment transport capacity.

What is the relationship between velocity sediment size and river size?

As the steam velocity increases, the diameter of the sediments being transported increases.

The amount of uniformity in the size of rock or sediment particles is called?

The amount of uniformity in the size of rock or sediment particles is called "sorting." Sorting can range from well-sorted (similar-sized particles) to poorly sorted (a wide range of particle sizes).

What size of rock is carried in the source of a river basin?

Im no geoligist, but im going to say sediment. It depents on the flow rate + the weight force of said rock relative to fresh water as to whether it will move.

How is permeability related to the size of the grains that make up the sediment?

Permeability is inversely related to the size of sediment grains, meaning that as the grain size increases, permeability decreases. This is because smaller grains are packed more closely together, leaving less space for water and fluids to flow through, resulting in lower permeability. Conversely, larger grains have more space between them, allowing for greater permeability.

What process involves the transport of sediment?

Erosion is the process that involves the transport of sediment. This can happen through various agents like wind, water, or ice, which move the sediment from one place to another. Once sediment is transported, it can be deposited in new locations, contributing to the formation of landforms like valleys, deltas, or beaches.

How are delta formed?

A delta is a landform that is created at the mouth of a river where that river flows into an ocean, sea, estuary, lake, resevoir, flat arid area, or another river. Deltas are formed from the deposition of the sediment carried by the river as the flow leaves the mouth of the river in smaller channels called distributaries. Over long periods of time, this deposition builds the characteristic geographic pattern of a river delta.Conditions required to form deltas1. The river must carry a large amount of sediments.2. The waves or current along the coast must not be strong enough to remove the sediments deposited by the river, at least not faster than the river can deposit them.3. The slope of the sea floor or lake at the river mouth must be gentle or flat.A delta is formed when sediments and mud from a large river meet the salt water of a sea or ocean. It can be described as a low tract of alluvial land. Deltas often change in size based on ocean and river currents.A delta forms a mouth at the end of a lake.This makes it to where the lake can flow into the ocean.

What factors affect a river's ability to erode and carry sediment?

Factors that affect a river's ability to erode and carry sediment include velocity of the water flow, volume of water, slope of the riverbed, geology of the surrounding area, and the presence of vegetation or obstructions along the river's path. High velocity and volume of water, steep slopes, soft rock formations, and minimal vegetation can increase erosion and sediment transport capacity.

When all the particles in a sediment are about the same size the sediment is said to be?

When all the particles in a sediment are about the same size, the sediment is said to be well-sorted. This typically indicates that the sediment has been through a sorting process, such as transportation by water or wind, that has separated particles by size. Well-sorted sediments often have better porosity and permeability properties.

How are deltas classified?

A delta is a land formation caused by the flow of silt at the mouth of a river. Over time, the sediment forms a mound or a series of mounds that have considerable size.

What are three ways strata differ from one another?

Strata can differ in terms of their composition, thickness, and arrangement. Composition refers to the types of sediments or rocks found in the strata, such as sandstone or shale. Thickness relates to the depth or vertical extent of the strata, which can vary depending on the deposition environment. Arrangement refers to the way strata are stacked or layered, which can be horizontal, tilted, or folded.