

What is the Shpinx?

Updated: 12/9/2022
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12y ago

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a shpinx has the head of a men and the body of a loin traditionally used in acient Egypt

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Q: What is the Shpinx?
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Where is the Shpinx built?

The Shpinx is built in Eygypt

Whose face is on the shpinx?

the face of the shpinx is in fact the face of the Pharo Phoeny D Wolf. born 1927BC

When was the Shpinx built?

2500 bc

Were is the shpinx nose?

it is located on its face

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lv. 15

Does cats have fur?

Yes but there are some furless cats kind a like the shpinx.

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Why is the great shpinx crumbling and what are scientist trying to do to save it?

The sphinx is crumbling because the rock that it is built on has salt water and that salt water is crumbling the rock of the sphinx. Scientists are trying to drain that water in order to save the sphinx.

Why did the Egyptians build shpinx?

Why did the Egyptians build the Sphinx ? They built the sphinx because they wanted protection for the wealthy people. They also wanted something mysterious, and wanted something that would give a safe passage way for the dead into the afterlife. Why did the Egyptians build the Sphinx ? They built the sphinx because they wanted protection for the wealthy people. They also wanted something mysterious, and wanted something that would give a safe passage way for the dead into the afterlife.

What are the god cards weakneses?

The weaknesses of the god cards can be found within many different combos of cards. Here is what i use(you must not let the god cards fuse or they are unbeatable) play pyramid of light(promotional card) then summon andro sphinx and shpinx teleia in face up attack position(500 LP for each card), then use heavy storm to destroy your very own pyramid of light. Then use Theinien the great shpinx's special ability for 500 life points to special summmon him to the feild, then use another 500 life points to increase his attack to 6500! Play dimensional fissure(all cards that go to the graveyard goout of play instead)so that they can not get that card back except by D.D.M master or return from the different dimension,although if they use they're effect they will lose.)Then attack any of the god cards!(u can not be stopped unless by a monster effect because of heavy storm) and destroy the monster!Now if they have 4000 or 8000 LP(depends on which rule book you play on) if they active return from the different dimension they pay half) They will either have 2000 or 4000 LP left. Now most people would have obilisk the tormentor as it is more popular he has approx 4500 att points. Compared to Theinien with 6500! Now then most people start off with 4000LP so he is finished!Written by, Yugiman:Da Dude with Dat Yugi knowledge.

Yu-Gi-Oh dragon slayer deck?

(fusions) 1x dark palidin 1x dark flare knight (monsters) 3x buster blaider 3xdark magishtion 2x jinzo 1x jinzo lord 3x jinzo returner 1x teala shpinx 1x andro sphinx 1x tathiathen the great sphinx 3x sangan 3x skilled dark magishtion 3x skilled white magishtion 3x exiled force 3x king of swamp 3x dark hex seald fusion1x mirage knight 3x gilferd the iron knight 1x gilferd the lighting 1x gilferd the sword master 1x gilferd thr legend (spell\traps) 3x polymerazation 1x release restraint 3x worror returning alive 1x pot of averis 3x aincent rules1x monster reborn 3x different demension capsule1x pirimed of light 2x magic cylinder 2x draining shield 3x rainbow life (fusions) 1x dark palidin 1x dark flare knight (monsters) 3x buster blaider 3xdark magishtion 2x jinzo 1x jinzo lord 3x jinzo returner 1x teala shpinx1x andro sphinx 1x tathiathen the great sphinx 3x sangan 3x skilled dark magishtion 3x skilled white magishtion 3x exiled force 3x king of swamp 3x dark hex seald fusion 1x mirage knight 3x gilferd the iron knight 1x gilferd the lighting 1x gilferd the sword master 1x gilferd thr legend (spell\traps)3x polymerazation 1x release restraint 3x worror returning alive 1x pot of averis 3x aincent rules1x monster reborn 3x different demension capsule1x pirimed of light 2x magic cylinder 2x draining shield 3x rainbow life

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