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I was also looking for this answer for the Telegraph GKCrossword of 1st August 2009. I think, however, that the clue should read "Salmanoid..." or "Salmonid.." not "Samanoid..." I was right, it should read "Salmanoid" or "Salmonid" The answer is "CISCO" (Note: 1 across is CHAFFINCH, not as I had, GOLDFINCH) The ciscoesare salmonid fish of the genus Coregonus

The five endemic cisco species of the Laurentian Great Lakes are, or were:

The kiyi. A deepwater cisco or chub , endemic to the Great Lakes. It inhabited Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron and Ontario but is now believed to persist only in Lake Superior where it is common. The bloater. A Freshwater Fish native to the Great Lakes. It is silver in color with a pink and purple iridescence and reaches an average length of 9 inches ....

The shortnose cisco. A species of freshwater fish in the salmon family . The species is native to the Nearctic ecozone, formerly occurring in Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, and Lake Ontario in Canada and the United States....

The longjaw cisco. Was a deep water Cisco or chub, usually caught at depths of 100 metres or more from Lakes Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, and Lake Erie....

The deepwater cisco. Was one of the largest Cisco in the Great Lakes. Its average length was 30cm and it was about 1.0 kilogram in weight. Occurring only in Lakes Lake Huron and Lake Michigan, and inhabited waters between 50 and 150 metres deep.

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Q: What is the Samanoid species of fish endemic to the Great Lakes called?
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Samanoid species of fish in great lakes?


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