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Stream Scheduling is a scheduling system where there is a steady stream/flow of patients at set appointments throughout the day.

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Q: What is stream scheduling?
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i do no...............

What type of scheduling is there in RTOS?

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•Assumes all movies have the same frame rate •Break stream frame requests into rounds -sort blocks -seek in order -double buffer rounds for efficiency

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Where can scheduling program software be downloaded?

Scheduling program software can be downloaded from a number of companies such as Amazon. Amazon has a large selection of scheduling programs from various vendors.

Facilities Scheduling?

Facilities Scheduling is used to schedule date and time slots for facilities in order to ensure that there are no scheduling conflict between any parties and to facilitate planning.

Is interval scheduling an NP-complete problem?

Yes, interval scheduling is an NP-complete problem.

What is true regarding to scheduling?

It is a true statement to say that scheduling is an important component to the success of a business. Scheduling can include ordering equipment, supplies, or creating a work schedule for employees.