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Sunlight can penetrate through the limnetic zone into the profundal zone.

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Q: What is portion of the marine biome that is shallow enough for sunlight to penetrate called?
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The land under an ocean at the edge of a continent is called the continental shelf. This is the shallow submerged portion of a continent that extends from the shoreline to the continental slope.

What is the shallow part of rivers and streams called?

A shallow area may be called a "ford" (the verb to fordis "to cross at a shallow point").

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It is called a crescent moon when only a small, sliver-like portion of the moon's surface is illuminated by sunlight.

Kelp forests are found in the ocean zone called?

Kelp forests are found in the ocean zone called the neritic zone, which is the shallow part of the ocean where sunlight can penetrate to allow for photosynthesis. These underwater ecosystems are typically located in temperate and polar regions with nutrient-rich waters.

What is a small shallow dish called?

a small, shallow dish

What are shallow parts of the sea or ocean called?

Shallow parts of the sea or ocean are called shoals or shallows. They are areas where the water depth is relatively shallow, making them potentially hazardous for navigation.

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A portion of butter is called a Pat of butter

What is a shallow place called?

A shallow place in a river is called a ford if it is used as a place to wade across to the other side. A shallow place can also be called a sandbar if the water does not cover all of the sand in a river or stream.

What is a shallow river called?

A stream?

What portion of the ocean is photosynthesis confined to?

Photosynthesis in the ocean primarily occurs in the upper sunlit layer called the euphotic zone, which typically extends to about 200 meters deep. This zone receives enough sunlight for photosynthetic organisms like phytoplankton to convert carbon dioxide and nutrients into organic matter. Below this depth, sunlight is limited, restricting photosynthesis.

What is energy from sunlight called?

Energy from sunlight is called solar energy