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Once Archeologists established animals and people could have been able to walk from Asia to North America, they offered the following explanation. Bands, or small groups, of hunters left Asia more than 11,500 years ago. They may have moved across Beringia to present-day Alaska. From there the hunters traveled south.

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Q: What is one reason early humans migrate across the beringia land bridge?
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What was the name of the land bridge that scientists believe early humans crossed over to migrate to North America?

The answer is Beringia.

What was the land bridge during the ice ages called?

The land bridge that connected Asia and North America during the ice ages is called Beringia. This allowed early humans and animals to migrate between the two continents.

What was Beringia and how was it important to the early humans?

it was a land bridge conexting America and alska and the early Americans walked across to get food and shelter

Did neandertals migrate across the bering bridge?

Neanderthals did not migrate across the Bering land bridge as they primarily inhabited Europe and parts of western Asia. The land bridge was used by early human populations to migrate from Asia to the Americas.

What two continents were connected by a land bridge?

North America and Asia were connected by a land bridge known as Beringia during the last Ice Age. This land bridge allowed early humans to migrate between the two continents.

How long was the land bridge that humans crossed over into the Americas?

The Bering Land Bridge, also known as Beringia, was approximately 1,000 miles wide at its maximum extent during the last Ice Age. This land bridge connected Asia and North America, enabling early humans to migrate into the Americas.

How do you use land bridge in a sentence?

During the last ice age, a land bridge connected Asia and North America, allowing early humans to migrate between the two continents.

When did humans migrate across the land bridge between Asia north America?

It is believed that humans migrate across the land bridge between Asia and North America about 25,000 years ago. However, this is not definite as some historians argue it could be about 70,000 years ago.this id wrong info

Why was beringia crossed?

Beringia was crossed by ancient humans to migrate from Asia to North America during the last Ice Age when sea levels were lower, exposing a land bridge between the two continents. This migration likely happened in search of new resources or due to changing environmental conditions.

What two continents were allowed to migrate by the Ice Age?

During the Ice Age, North America and Asia were connected by a land bridge called Beringia. This allowed species, including early humans, to migrate between the two continents.

Which continents did beringia connect?

Beringia connected Asia with North America during the last Ice Age, serving as a land bridge between the two continents. This connection allowed for the migration of humans and animals between the two continents. Today, Beringia is submerged under the Bering Sea.

What was the land bridge that connected Asia to North America called?

The land bridge that connected Asia to North America is called Beringia. It was formed during the last Ice Age when sea levels were lower due to the amount of water locked up in glaciers, allowing humans and animals to migrate between the two continents.