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salt water from the ocean.

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Q: What is ocean water?
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Related questions

How did the water get in to the ocean?

The water got in the ocean by the volcano's exploding and the vapor got in the ocean and that created the ocean water.

Where is the coldest water in the ocean?

The coldest water in the ocean is the bottom of the ocean.

How does earth's ocean of air and ocean of water interact?

how does the earth's ocean of air and ocean of water interact

Was the ocean fresh water?

The ocean is salt water.

What percentage of the ocean is covered in water?

Approximately 100% of the ocean is covered in water.

What are the water bodies?

The five bodies of water are the Atlantic Ocean, the PAcific Ocean, the Indian ocean, the Arctic Ocean, and the Southern Ocean

What are the bodies if water?

The five bodies of water are the Atlantic Ocean, the PAcific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, and the Southern Ocean

Is the Atlantic Ocean fresh or salt water?

Like all oceans and seas, the Atlantic Ocean is salt water.

Which is denser ocean water or fresh water?

ocean water, because it is saltier.

Amount of water in the ocean?

Approximately 71% of the water in the ocean

Is the Pacific Ocean a compound or a mixture?

Pacific Ocean is a body of water on the Earth.Of course an ocean water is a mixture.

What is the medium in ocean waves?

The ocean...