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Mountains would cause orographic lifting.

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Q: What is most likely to cause orographic lifting a sandy beach a flowing river a rocky mountain a sand dune?
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What is most likely to cause orographic lifting?

Orographic lifting is most likely caused by air being forced to rise over a mountain or elevated terrain feature. As the air moves up the slope, it cools and condenses, leading to cloud formation and potentially precipitation on the windward side of the mountain.

What what is most likely to cause orographic lifting?

Orographic lifting is most likely caused by air being forced to rise over a barrier, such as a mountain range. As the air rises, it cools, leading to the condensation of moisture and potentially the formation of precipitation on the windward side of the barrier.

Which feature is most likely to have been formed by flowing water?

Canyons are formed by flowing water.

Streams of mountain regions and high plateaus are NOT likely to have?

typical delta formations because the gradient is too steep for sediment deposition in those areas. Instead, these regions are more likely to exhibit rugged canyons and gorges due to the erosive forces of the fast-flowing streams.

What are 2 ways that elevation can have an effect on weather and climate?

Higher elevations typically experience cooler temperatures due to lower atmospheric pressure, resulting in lower air temperatures. Elevation can influence precipitation patterns, with higher elevations often receiving more precipitation due to orographic lifting of air masses.

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The fact that they live on a mountain and have to adapt with the different conditions of a mountain.

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What will happen if you bred cold dragon and mountain dragon?

You will most likely get another mountain dragon.

How does the smooth mountain rocks surface type affect the amount of runoff?

Smooth mountain rock surfaces typically result in higher rates of runoff because water is less likely to infiltrate into the ground. The smooth surface reduces opportunities for water to be absorbed or slowed down, leading to more water flowing across the surface and contributing to increased runoff.

What is it called when a volcano will not likely erupt again?

a mountain