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Q: What is live load in bridge design?
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What is a live load bridge?

a live load bridge is a truck or a weight that after the bridge is made then you put the weight on the bridge and see if it holds!

What is an Example of a dead-load?

A dead load is the weight of the bridge or vehicle or building excluding the people or objects in it(An example is: If you were standing on a bridge all alone you would be the live load and the bridge itself would be the dead load)

What is an example of an dead load?

A dead load is the weight of the bridge or vehicle or building excluding the people or objects in it(An example is: If you were standing on a bridge all alone you would be the live load and the bridge itself would be the dead load)

What is the dead load and a live load and a dynamic load of an arch bridge?

The dead load is the weight of the bridge itself. The live load is things like traffic, wind, rain, etc. The dynamic load are things like earthquakes, big gusts of wind, and other things.

Name and describe three types of loads that must be considered in bridge construction?

Live loads: These are temporary loads due to the weight of vehicles, pedestrians, or movable objects on the bridge. Dead loads: These are permanent loads caused by the weight of the bridge structure itself, such as the deck, beams, and other components. Wind loads: These are lateral forces exerted on the bridge due to wind, which can have a significant impact on the structural stability of the bridge.

What has the author Samuel G Paikowsky written?

Samuel G. Paikowsky has written: 'Extrapolation of pile capacity from non-failed load tests' -- subject(s): Mathematical models, Piling (Civil engineering), Testing 'LRFD design and construction of shallow foundations for highway bridge structures' -- subject(s): Bridges, Design load, Foundations and piers, Highway bridges, Load factor design, Bridge foundations, Design and construction

What is the live of load of a bridge?

The weight of the stuff on the structure is called the live load. Things that move in or on a structure, like people and cars, are examples of live load. A live load causes compression on the bridge deck. If you apply too much weight, the beam will fail because it can't support the heavy weight of the live load above it. To strengthen it, thicker beams are used. Then, it is less likely to bend. Thick beams are used in structures that experience live and dynamic loads.

What is a dead and live load of a bridge.?

In engineering terms, dead load refers to the unchanging weight of a structure itself, plus any other load that may permanently be a part of the structure. On a bridge, for example, the main dead load would be the weight of bridge, and there would also be the weight of the abutments and perhaps a tollbooth.

The load limit on a small bridge is 8 ton what is the load limit in pounds?

What are the basis of a bridge load limit?

What is the load of a bridge?

The load of a bridge is the amount of weight that can be distributed throughout the bridge without collapsing. Engineers take into effect, wind, rain, and earthquakes when calculating the load.

What bridge design is the strongest?

The best bridge design is a triangular bridge design look it up on wiki if u dont know

What is the live load for slab design?

it depends on the type of occupancy, and varies on the code that you want to use.