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property that is being used for a purpose different than zoning now allows. Such as commercial in residential zoning or residential in commercial zone. it can continue to be used for the "grandfathered" purpose until the time comes when the structures burn down or are otherwise distroyed. Sometimes a business use is grandfathered. So if the business zone is "no garages" (auto repair) but the garage business was there before the zoning changed, the garage can stay as long as it is continuously operated. Once it closes, a garage can not come back in. property that is being used for a purpose different than zoning now allows. Such as commercial in residential zoning or residential in commercial zone. it can continue to be used for the "grandfathered" purpose until the time comes when the structures burn down or are otherwise distroyed. Sometimes a business use is grandfathered. So if the business zone is "no garages" (auto repair) but the garage business was there before the zoning changed, the garage can stay as long as it is continuously operated. Once it closes, a garage can not come back in.

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Q: What is grandfather land?
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