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New technique to measure rugosity.

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Q: What is digital reef rugosity?
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What kinda reef is the buccoo reef?

A fringing reef

What type of site is the Great Barrier Reef?

The Great Barrier Reef is a coral reef.

Is there a reef in the Great Barrier Reef called star reef?


Is the Great Barrier Reef the largest reef in the world?

The Great Barrier Reef is the largest reef system in the world.

What is the name of a barrier reef?

The barrier reef off of the coast of Australia is the Great Barrier Reef. This reef is the largest coral reef system in the entire world.

What reef is longer than the Great Barrier Reef?

No reef system is longer. The Great Barrier Reef, at over 2300km long, is the world's largest reef.

What is the longest reef in North America?

the longest reef of north America is the longest reef in the continent

What is the largest coral reef in the world?

The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef.

Is Osprey Reef located on the Great Barrier Reef?

No. Although Osprey Reef is in the Coral Sea, where the Great Barrier Reef is located, it is actually separate from the Great Barrier Reef.

What is The name of a reef in the cayman island?

The name of a reef in the Cayman Islands is Cayman Reef.

What effect does tourism have on the Great Barrier Reef?

kills the reef and the animals that live in the reef