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The main reason why the Aral Sea has shrunk so dramatically is because water from the rivers flowing to it has been diverted for irrigation. The Aral Sea basin is fed by the Syr Darya and Amu Darya Rivers, which flow directly into the sea. Other rivers feeding the basin are the Tedzhen and Murgabi Rivers and the Karakum canal, as well as shallow rivers from Kopet Dag and western Tien-Shan. Water from the two largest rivers has been diverted for purposes of irrigating Central Asia's rice and cotton production. Therefore, it could be said that human activity has been the main cause of the shrinking of the Aral Sea. The problem with the shrinkage of the sea is that desertification has increased. Salinity has increased, as have dust storms, and the desert which surrounds the Aral has recaimed more and more of the basin, meaning that the Aral's future looks very bleak.

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14y ago

Due to the ill thought-out Soviet redirection of the Sea's sources, the rivers Amu Darya and Syr Darya. The Aral Sea has been shrinking since the 1960's, causing an environmental catastrophe. Plans are afoot to try and save the sea, but whether or not this works, remains to be seen.

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Diversion of water of feeder rivers for irrigation projects

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