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Q: What is bilge keel radius and dead rise of ship for Panama canal?
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How many died from work related accidents at panama canal?

30,000 men worked and 22,000 died nd about 100% the swag was dead

Can an aircraft carrier fit through the Suez Canal?

While aircraft carriers routinely transited the Panama Canal in years past, carriers built after WW II cannot fit through the Panama Canal as it exists today. The new locks being built now are wide enough to fit the lower part of today's supercarriers. However, their much wider superstructure width will prevent them from using the Canal. At their widest, a supercarrier is about 257 feet wide and would hit other structures within the new locks. Below is a link that describes a WW II aircraft carrier's service life and references a Panama Canal transit.

What is the proposed Med-Dead canal in Israel?

The most feasible plan for Med-Dead is not a canal, but a below sea level tunnel from Palmachim to the south branch of Wadi Qumran.

Do panama celebrate day of the dead?

yes they do on Nov 1st and 2nd

Can a super tanker use the Suez canal?

Ships up to 210,000 tone dead weight use the canal

How straight is 24 foot radius?

A radius is a dead straight line from the centre of a circle to a point on its circumference.

Does a root canal look bad?

its a bad tooth dats dead

What was the Panama City creature?

Some teens were playing in a creek in Panama and felt something grabbing them. They thought it was an alien. It turned out to be a dead sloth corpse. This happened in 2009.

What is the maximum weight of ships allowd on the Suez canal?

210,000 tons dead weight

What is the maximum weight for ships on the Suez canal?

210,000 tons dead weight fully loaded

Why did a canal connecting the Mediterranean sea to the dead sea took so long to accomplish?

There is no canal between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea. The lower level of the Dead Sea would result in a huge flow of water down to that body of water and it would have some major ecological impacts. It has been discussed as one way of generating electricity.

When is earwax produced?

Earwax is produced by the ceruminous glands in the ear canal. It is a mixture of secretions and dead skin cells, and its main function is to lubricate the ear canal, keep it clean, and protect the ear from dust and bacteria.