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Q: What is atmospheric pressure on top of Mt Everest on a day when water boils there at a temperature of 70.0C?
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What temperature does water boils to?

Fresh water under atmospheric pressure boils at 100 C or at 212 F

What temperature does water go from a liquid to a gas?

It depends on other conditions, such as the pressure, and the purity of the water. However, at normal atmospheric pressure, pure water boils at 100oC. As an example of the importance of pressure, consider that it boils at just 65oC at the summit of Mt. Everest. This is why you can't get a decent cup of tea up there!

Why cant water boil over 100 degrees?

Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius at standard atmospheric pressure because that is the temperature at which its vapor pressure equals the atmospheric pressure. If the temperature is increased beyond 100 degrees Celsius, the vapor pressure exceeds the atmospheric pressure, causing the water to evaporate rapidly but not necessarily boil.

What is the highest temperature that liquid nitrogen can reach?

At atmospheric pressure, liquid nitrogen boils at -196 degrees Celsius (-321 degrees Fahrenheit). If the pressure is increased, the temperature at which liquid nitrogen boils also increases.

Will water boil at same temperature on Mount Averest?

Water boils at a lower temperature at higher altitudes due to the decrease in atmospheric pressure. On Mount Everest, with its high elevation, the boiling point of water is around 70°C (158°F) instead of the usual 100°C (212°F) at sea level.

The boiling point of water is different at murree hill and at Mount Everest?

At Muree hills the pressure of air is 700 which is less than 760 torr so water boils at 98 degree centigrade and at Mount everest pressure further decreases and water boils at 69 degree centigrade

Why is it different at 5000 feet to boil water?

The atmospheric pressure is lower. When you are boiling the water, the water's vapour saturation pressure is able to match the atmospheric pressure faster therefore it boils faster and at a lower temperature.

Why waters boils at lower temperature on the top mountain when at sea level in boils at 100 degrees?

Water boils at lower temperatures at higher altitudes because the atmospheric pressure is lower at higher altitudes. This lower pressure decreases the boiling point of water. At sea level, the atmospheric pressure is greater, causing water to boil at 100 degrees Celsius.

What temperature in metric does water boil?

Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius at sea level, or at standard atmospheric pressure.

What temperature does oxygen boil at?

Oxygen boils at a temperature of -182.96 degrees Celsius (-297.33 degrees Fahrenheit) at standard atmospheric pressure.

What is the temerature water boils at?

at normal atmospheric temperature (in plains) it boils at 100oC

What could affect the temperature at which water boils?

The atmospheric pressure can affect the temperature at which water boils. Higher atmospheric pressure increases the boiling point of water, while lower atmospheric pressure decreases it. Additionally, impurities in the water can also raise the boiling point.