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A beach is the littoral margin of a body of water often composed of a loose granular subsrate

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Q: What is another name for beach?
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Another name for beach starting with s?

Another name for beach that starts with s is a shore(might be wrong)

Another name for beach?


What is ocean another name for?

its probably the beach

What is another name for breakwater?

Another name for breakwater is seawall.

What is another name for a rocky beach?

A pebbly beach or a shingle beach.

Another name for waves breaking on a beach?

Surf or breakers.

What is another name for beach volleyball?

Sand volleyball, or outdoor volleyball

What is another name for beach cookout?

My East Coast relatives call this a clambake!

How was Laguna Beach created?

When a beach loves another beach they do naughty thing to create another beach. Lol jks, google it.

What is the birth name of Beach Eastwood?

Beach Eastwood's birth name is William Frank Beach.

What is the birth name of Beach Cooke?

Beach Cooke's birth name is Stephen Beach Cooke.

What is the birth name of Colonel Beach?

Colonel Beach's birth name is Beach, J. Eldrich.