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(Personification ascribes life, intent, or cognition to something inanimate.)

"The news took me by surprise."

"The stars danced happily in the moonlit sky."

"The sun glared down on us."

"A root reached up to trip me."

"The wind laughed at our attempts to repair the tent."
Personification is giving human characteristics to animals or inanimate objects.

The dagger was smiling at Hamlet.

The tea kettle sang out that the water was boiling.

Laughing gaily, the sun rose over the small village of Henrysburg.
The run down house appeared depressed.

A house cannot actually be depressed. But with personification, the house can receive human characteristics.
personification is when you give an aninanimate object, person like qualities.

Such as the sun smiled high in the sky, or the top hugged her tummy.

The reason they are examples of personification is because a sun cant smile and a top can hug. So the writer of those sentences was giving the objects human like qualities.

Thus personifying them :)

Hope this helped!


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Beulah Wilkinson

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2y ago
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6y ago

(Personification ascribes life, intent, or cognition to something inanimate.)

"The news took me by surprise."

"The stars danced happily in the moonlit sky."

"The sun glared down on us."

"A root reached up to trip me."

"The wind laughed at our attempts to repair the tent."
Personification is giving human characteristics to animals or inanimate objects.

The dagger was smiling at Hamlet.

The tea kettle sang out that the water was boiling.

Laughing gaily, the sun rose over the small village of Henrysburg.
The run down house appeared depressed.

A house cannot actually be depressed. But with personification, the house can receive human characteristics.
personification is when you give an aninanimate object, person like qualities.

Such as the sun smiled high in the sky, or the top hugged her tummy.

The reason they are examples of personification is because a sun cant smile and a top can hug. So the writer of those sentences was giving the objects human like qualities.

Thus personifying them :)

Hope this helped!


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Anthony Tony5726

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Anthony Tony5726

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it didient

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13y ago

Headlights stared,

the darkness wrapped his hands around the city,

the sea sang her calm tune,

the rocks standed still while the waves were hitting them,

it can be anything that is non-humanjust give it a personality.

but sometimes it's not easy

try your best GOOD LUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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What is the meaning and example of personification?


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No, "sweep" is not an example of personification. Personification is when human characteristics are attributed to non-human entities.

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Yes it is a personification

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A non-example of personification would be a statement that does not give human qualities or characteristics to inanimate objects or animals. For example, "The wind howled through the trees" is an example of personification, whereas "The sun shone brightly in the sky" is not an example of personification.

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'A frost hit' is not an example of personification. Personification is giving human qualities to an idea such as Jack Frost or Mother Nature.

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Is cricket whistling an example of personification?

.Well no. Personification is when you give something not alive human characteristics .For example: The couch laughed at the joke told. A cricket is alive. It is not personification.

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What best illustrates personification?

An example of personification is describing the wind as whispering secrets as it blows through the trees. This gives human-like qualities to the wind, which is an inanimate object.

What page is the personification example on in The Giver?

In "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, the personification example can be found on page 143. This example refers to the wind as whispering apologies.

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