plateau or mesa
A hill or a mountain rises above nearby land.
A shelf sea is a relatively shallow water area formed by the continental shelf.
A flat area that rises above the surrounding land is called a plateau. Plateaus are elevated landforms with a relatively flat, level surface that stands above the surrounding area. They can be formed by geological processes such as tectonic uplift, volcanic activity, or erosion.
No, land that rises high above ground level is called a mountain or a mountain range. A plateau is a flat-topped elevated landform that is higher than the surrounding area.
an area that rises above the nearby land
A flat area that rises above the surrounding land is called a plateau. Plateaus are elevated areas with flat surfaces that are typically formed by volcanic activity, erosion, or tectonic uplift. They can vary in size, from small plateaus to extensive plateaus that cover large regions.
A plateau
A plateau.
A plateau.