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Q: What is all the land and water areas that intersect the equator?
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Name all the labeled land and water areas that intersect with the equator?

The land areas that intersect with the equator are Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Gabon, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Somalia, Indonesia, and Kiribati. The water areas that intersect with the equator are the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and the Indian Ocean.

The land and water north of the equator is called?

The land and water north of the equator is called the Northern Hemisphere.

Where is zero degreslatitude and zero degrees longitude?

Where the Equator and the Greenwich meridian intersect. This point of intersection is not on land, it is in the Atlantic Ocean in the gulf of Guinea.

Name all the labeled land water areas that the equator crosses?

Pacific Ocean, South America, Atlantic Ocean, Africa, Indian Ocean and Australia.

Which continent has land in each of the earths hemispheres?

Africa is the only continent that has land in all four hemispheres—Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western. The Prime Meridian and the Equator intersect in Africa, dividing the continent into these hemispheres.

How many continents does the equator crosswhat are those land areas from largest to smallest?

The equator passes through three continents: Asia, Africa, and South America.

What percentage of the world is covered in land?

Well since 1/4 of the world is made of water and the other 3/4 is land, approximately 32% of the land is tree, considering the rain forests we have in the southern areas near the equator.

When does land and water receives the direct rays of the sun throughout the year?


Does the earth have more areas of or land?

it has more water than land

Why does a mercator projection exaggerate the areas of landmasses near the poles?

The Mercator projection exaggerates areas far from the equator because it is not suited to general reference world maps due to its distortion of land area. The Mercator projection is still commonly used for areas near the equator.

Does all land and water north of the equator is in the northern hemisphere?

Yes, all land and water north of the equator is considered to be in the Northern Hemisphere. The equator serves as the dividing line between the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere, with the North Pole being at the northernmost point.

Is the surface of the earth mainly water or land?

It has more areas of water than land. About 71% is water, mostly salt-water.