Yes, the word 'castle' is a noun; a word for large building with high, thick walls and towers that was built in the past to protect against attack; a very large, expensive house; a piece in the game of Chess; a word for a thing."I am going to the castle." (a place)"The castle does not have many windows." (a thing)
A castle is a type of fortification.The fortification was attacked but withstood the attack.
Rune Castle Bartz
It was a good place to attack the castle from where they wouldn't expect an attack.
A castle that has defense and can be protected from attack.
"At the start of each battle, armored knights would sally from the castle to attack the infantry."
In order to loot a castle in Goodgame Empire you must send an attack to the castle and you must also win the attack. Once you are victorious your surviving soldiers will began to loot the castle.
with a nuke.
they did
you can attack an castle lots of different ways e.g. a trebuchet to knock down the walls using stones. L