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Q: What is a person that travels to see various sights called?
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What is someone who travels to see sights?


When helping a person to remember an event taking that person to the place where the event happened so they can experience the sights sounds and odors of the place is called?

It is a reconstruction.

What is the definition of tourist?

Who Is A Tourist? Let me give you an answer. Look below for an answer!! A tourist is a person who travels largely for pleasure.Perhaps to see the sights,meet people,enjoy a different climate,llearn about new places or enjoy new experiences.

What is the aiming device on gun is known as?

The aiming device of a gun is called a sight. Mechanical devices are known as iron sights, even if they are made of brass or other metals. Sights using lenses are called optical sights, or, if they provide magnification, telescopic sights. "telescopic sight" is usually shortened to "scope" in informal conversation.

Why should'nt you trust dating sights?

The person can be a total freak and/or jerk!

What are the different sights on a pistol?

Fixed sights, adjustable sights, target sight, night sights, 3 dot sights, telescopic sights, red dot sighs, lasers, etc.

Who invented the gun sight?

The person(s) who invented sights for guns is unknown. Sights seem to have been a European invention, primarily used on "hand" carriable firearms, and the development of sights seems to have been an evolutionary development starting sometime in the 14th or 15th century and developing into the rather, in some cases, complex sights of modern times.

What is the definition of cruise line?

A cruise line is a shipping company that has passenger ships. It may also have cargo ships.

What are the most visited attractions in Hungary?

The various sights of Budapest - and also Esztergom Cathedral (about 75-90 minutes by rail from Budapest).

How do you save lullaby by fall out boy onto your computer?

There are various sights where you can download it for free, or if you give me you e-mail address I can send it to you :)

Was the actor Danny Glover in the film called 2047 sights of death?

Yes, Danny Glover did appear in 2047 - Sights of Death. The film was released in 2014.He played the role of Sponge.

What causes long sights?

"Long sightedness" is caused by a deformation of the curve of the cornea as compared to a "normal sighted" person.