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Donjon is the Anglo-Norman French word for the main central tower in a castle, whether it was constructed of timber or stone.

The word donjon was used throughout the medieval period; in the 16th century, when castles were no longer being built, the word "keep" was used instead and this incorrect word is the one that many people still use today.

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Q: What is a donjon in a castle?
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Main tower of castle?

The main tower of a castle was called the keep. It was the inner stronghold of the castle and often served as the residence of the lord. It was typically the last refuge during battle and defending the castle.

What is the keep of a medieval castle?

The word "keep" was only used about castles after the medieval period. The word used at the time was donjon (from Latin dominium, a place of lordship).A castle donjon was the largest and strongest tower, often placed somewhere near the centre of the castle but sometimes part of the curtain wall; early donjons were built on a mound.The function of the donjon was to proclaim authority over a certain area of landscape; to provide temporary accommodation for high-ranking nobles or the king himself; to act as a centre for tax collecting and the imposition of law; and to act as a final refuge for the castle garrison if the outer defences were penetrated by enemy forces.

What is the population of Le Donjon?

The population of Le Donjon is 1,067.

What is the meaning of donjon?

The chief tower, also called the keep; a massive tower in ancient castles, forming the strongest part of the fortifications. See Illust. of Castle.

What is the area of Le Donjon?

The area of Le Donjon is 37.02 square kilometers.

What is Neuilly-en-Donjon's population?

Neuilly-en-Donjon's population is 235.

How old is leeds castle?

The castle started out as a Saxon Fortress started in 857 A.D. It was converted into a stone Donjon in 1119 and has continued to change and have additions made til 1988. For more detailed information, check out the additional links.

When was the keep at Newcastle built?

The castle at Newcastle was first built in the period 1169 to 1178, complete with its stone donjon (called a keep only after the middle ages had ended).