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The GAZA STRIP is a thin coastal strip of land that borders Egypt and is controlled by the paramilitary/terrorist organization Hamas in the name of the Palestinian People.

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Q: What is a coastal strip of land along the Mediterranean bordering Egypt?
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What did Cleopatra rule?

Cleopatra ruled the kingdom of Egypt and Cypress. For a brief time she also had possession of territories along the coastal strip of the eastern Mediterranean.

What are the sea's along Egypt coastline?

red and mediterranean

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The Mediterranean climate region is typically found along the southern and western coastlines of continents between 30 and 45 degrees latitude. Some regions with Mediterranean climates include parts of California, parts of Australia, the Mediterranean Basin, and coastal areas of South Africa and Chile.

What country was along the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea?

EGYPT touches both the Mediterranean and Red Seas.

How large was Cleopatra's empire?

Cleopatra was a queen, not an empress. She never had an empire. She ruled Egypt and for a brief time was given control of territories along the Mediterranean cost.Cleopatra was a queen, not an empress. She never had an empire. She ruled Egypt and for a brief time was given control of territories along the Mediterranean cost.Cleopatra was a queen, not an empress. She never had an empire. She ruled Egypt and for a brief time was given control of territories along the Mediterranean cost.Cleopatra was a queen, not an empress. She never had an empire. She ruled Egypt and for a brief time was given control of territories along the Mediterranean cost.Cleopatra was a queen, not an empress. She never had an empire. She ruled Egypt and for a brief time was given control of territories along the Mediterranean cost.Cleopatra was a queen, not an empress. She never had an empire. She ruled Egypt and for a brief time was given control of territories along the Mediterranean cost.Cleopatra was a queen, not an empress. She never had an empire. She ruled Egypt and for a brief time was given control of territories along the Mediterranean cost.Cleopatra was a queen, not an empress. She never had an empire. She ruled Egypt and for a brief time was given control of territories along the Mediterranean cost.Cleopatra was a queen, not an empress. She never had an empire. She ruled Egypt and for a brief time was given control of territories along the Mediterranean cost.

What continental is Italy in?

Italy is on the continent of Europe along the Mediterranean Sea, bordering the Adriatic and Ionian seas to the east and west.

The early civilizations of Phoenicia Egypt and rome began along the shores of this sea?


Which major bodies of water that surround and are a part of Egypt?

The two major bodies of water that surround Egypt are the Mediterranean sea and the Red sea.

What kind of land does Syria include?

Syria's land includes..... fertile coastal plains and valleys along the Mediterranean Sea.

Where is Phoenecia?

Phoenicia is located in Egypt, and spreads to Syria, Lebanon and northern Israel. It is along Mediterranean sea.

How much of Egypt country has coastline?

Egypt has a coastline that stretches for about 1,450 kilometers along the Mediterranean Sea in the north and the Red Sea in the east.

What countries are surrounding Egypt?

Libya, Gaza, Israel, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and south africa