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Anna Sewell wrote Black Beauty

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Q: What is Anna swells book about a horse called?
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What is Anna Sewell's famous book about a horse called?

Black Beauty

Anna sewell book about a horse?

Yes. The book is called "Black Beauty". It is also a movie called like that.

What is a Anna sewell book about a horse?

Black Beauty

What is Anna swell's book horses name?

Anna Swell wrote a book about a horse named Black Beauty if that is what you are referring too. Source: GoodReads

Name the famous book based on the life of a horse?

its "Black Beauty" written by Anna Sewall in 1877

What classic childrens book was written by Anna sewell?

black beauty was written by Anna Sewell

How old was Black Beauty the horse at death?

The horse Black Beauty was made up. At the end of the book, it said that he was around 14. The author, Anna Sewell, died shortly writing the book.

Where did black beauty originate from?

The book "Black Beauty", about a horse in the UK was written by English authoress Anna Sewell.

The nickname of the horse Duchess Beauty's mother in the children's-book Black Beauty by English-author Anna Sewell?


Is black beauty the horse book a historical fiction book?

Yes And No. It Was A Story Based On How Horses Were Treated Back When Anna Sewell Wrote The Book.

What colour is the horse in Anna Sewell's book?

This depends on which horse you are referring to, there were many horses mentioned in Anna Sewells book Black Beauty. these are the two main horses in the book. 1.Black beauty: A black horse (it was never confirmed if he was a stallion or gelding) of at least partial Thoroughbred breeding. He had a star a white foot and a small patch of white on his back. 2.Ginger: A chestnut mare of Thoroughbred breeding. She had a stripe down her face.

Is black beauty a real horse?

When Anna Sewell wrote the book, there was probably not a Black Beauty. But some horses may be named after him.