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The dead sea.

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Q: What is 1302 feet below sea level?
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Which is a higher elevation 40 feet below sea level or 14 feet below sea level?

40 feet below sea level is at a higher elevation than 14 feet below sea level. Elevation is measured by the distance above or below a reference point, such as sea level, so the higher the number below sea level, the lower the elevation.

What is 2.75 meter below sea level in feet?

About nine feet below sea level.

Which is higher 5 feet below sea level or 4 feet below sea level?

5 feet below sea level is higher. Because if you have 5 feet below sea level then you go from the average height if the top of the water and go 5 feet under it, and if you have 4 feet below sea level then you go from the average height if the top of the water and go 4 feet below, so 4 feet is higher.

What integer is six feet below sea level?

If sea level is 0, then feet above sea level would be a positive integer, while feet below sea level would be a negative integer. The integer for six feet below sea level would be -6.

How many feet below sea level is the wreck of the titanic?

it is 12,600 feet below sea level.

What is higher elevation 40 feet or 14 feet below sea level?

40 feet below sea level.

What is 8 feet below sea level?

The city of New Orleans, Louisiana is 8 feet below sea level

If A mountain 100 feet below sea level is near a valley 700 feet below sea level how many feet higher?


How many feet below the sea level is the titanic resting?

The wreck of Titanic lies about 12,600 feet below sea level.

What body of water is 1286 feet below sea level?

The surface of the Dead Sea is 1388 feet below sea level and at its deepest point is 1237 feet deep.

How far below sea lvel is the dead sea in feet?

The Dead Sea is approximately 1,410 feet (430 meters) below sea level. It is the Earth's lowest elevation on land.

Is Shreveport La below sea level?

No, Shreveport, Louisiana is not below sea level. It is located at an elevation of around 144 feet (44 meters) above sea level.