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Flat Bottom Hull

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Flat bottom hull

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Flat bottom

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Q: What hull type if best used on ponds small lakes and calm rivers?
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What type a hull is best for ponds small lakes and rivers?

As ponds, small lakes and slow flowing rivers, may be shallow generally, a flat bottomed, or a shallow keeled boat is best.

What hull type is best for ponds and small lakes?

As ponds, small lakes and slow flowing rivers, may be shallow generally, a flat bottomed, or a shallow keeled boat is best.

What boat type is best for use on Ponds small as lakes and calm rivers?

Flat bottomed boats, especially on shallow waters, is probably best. One example is the flat bottomed boat known as a punt, which is propelled by a single long pole. Punts are often used on the River Thames.

Where is the best fishing spot in Columbia Missouri?

In the lakes and rivers

What is the best description of rivers lakes an streams?

fresh groundwater

What is exciting in Idaho?

the rivers, mountains and lakes are some of the best in the country

What best describes rivers streams and lakes?

a body of water that can lead to the ocean.

What hull type is best for use in ponds small lakes or a calm river?

A flat bottomed boat is best, as the river, lake or pond may be shallow in places. A punt, propelled by a pole, is one such flat bottomed water craft.

Which state has most freshwater lakes or rivers What state is best to live in in case of a country wide drought?

Alaska and not minnesota although "10,000lakes" Tennessee as most rivers, but no natural lakes

In which ways have vascular plants evolved?

There are tons of ways that these plants evolved, but only one BIG change, they can drink their water, and live away from the rivers, ponds, lakes, and streams. They can grow where they thing is best suited to their needs.naww, the real answer is gymnosperms, bryophytes, angiosperms.

What are some places to carp tackle?

Fishing Tackle is a good place to start. The best places to fish for carp are muddy rivers and lakes. Carp like to bottom-feed and generally stay towards the banks of rivers and lakes.

Where is the best place to fish for bass?

You have to be more specific, as there are several species, inhabiting different regions. Some are found in lakes and rivers, others in small streams. Some species are found in salt water.