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Glaciers hold more fresh water then any river.

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Q: What holds more fresh water than all the rivers?
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Who has more fresh water lakes and rivers or groundwater?

lakes and rivers

Which holds more heat salt water or fresh water?

Salt water holds more heat than fresh water because the presence of salt increases the water's density and specific heat capacity, allowing it to absorb and retain more heat energy.

Is most fresh water under ground?

No there tends to be a lot more fresh water in lakes and rivers than under ground because it won't be as fresh when it's down there but a more likely chance if it being in lakes and rivers

Which holds more fresh water Lake Superior or Lake Victoria?

Lake Superior is the world's largest fresh water lake

Where does humans get freashwarter from?

Humans get fresh water from lakes, rivers, streams, underground aquifers, and more.

Is there less oxygen in Antarctica?

No, possibly there's more. Scientifically, extreme cold water holds more dissolved oxygen than warm water. As well, fresh water holds more oxygen than sea water. Ninety-eight percent of the Antarctic is covered with an ice sheet containing about 70% of the earth's fresh water.

Is this true or false far less fresh water is located underground than in all Earth's rivers and lakes?

It's true far more fresh water is located underground than in all Earth's rivers and lakes.

Why do some say Lake Victoria holds more fresh water but Lake Superior is larger?

Lake Superior holds more freshwater and has a greater surface area than Lake Victoria

What water has more salinity than fresh water but less than sea water?

Brackish water has more salinity than fresh water but less than seawater. It is typically found in estuaries, where rivers meet the sea, and can also be found in coastal lagoons and mangrove swamps.

Why do more organisms live in oceans than in freshwater lakes and rivers?

organisms in fresh water had to adapt. they first lived in the oceans.

Where is the most freshwater found on Earth?

In glaciers. There is more frozen fresh water than in all the lakes and streams. Glacial melting also causes the desalination of the ocean, which is a bad thing. so we want the fresh water to stay in the glaciers

What country has the most fresh water in the lakes and rivers?

Canada has more lakes and rivers than any country in the entire world. There are over 3 million lakes in Canada.