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Nothing but if the pebble is raw it can have changes in size the longer it stays in a liquid.

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Q: What happens to the size of a pebble when in a river?
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How a rock on a mountain becomes a pebble in a river?

someone picks it up and puts it in a river, then the river turns it into a pebble with erosion.

Is Pebble Creek a river?

No creeks are not rivers

What is a small rock called?

The smallest type of rock is a pebble. A pebble can be made out of most rocks and is the size of a marble.

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Can a asteroid be the size of a pebble?

Asteroids can vary widely in size, from just a few meters to hundreds of kilometers in diameter. A pebble-sized asteroid is certainly possible, and such small objects are known as meteoroids. These small asteroids or meteoroids often burn up in Earth's atmosphere, creating shooting stars.

Is a pebble a compound element or a mixture?

It is not necessarily any of these, as "pebble" describes a grain size and does not say anything about composition. In most cases, though, a pebble is a mixture.

Does river load size decrease?

The size of the pebble will decrease down stream because the further downstream you go the quicker the river velocity. This means there will be more abrasion against the sides and bed of the river and the friction will be greater, this wears away the river load making it decrease in size. Increase velocity means that bigger material will be picked up by the river and carried as river load. More load in the river and increased size of load will mean more attrition and the river load will keep colliding into each other smoothening and rounding their shape. Brap brap !!

What is the maximum and minimum size range for pebble?


What is the maximum size of a pebble?

6.4 centimeters in diameter.

Larger sized gravel ranging in size from 4mm to 64mm?

Pebble larger than clay

Is a meteroid the size of a pebble?

No, a meteoroid is typically much larger than a pebble. Meteoroids can range in size from small grains of sand to large rocks several meters in diameter.

What is smaller a pebble or gravel?

A pebble is smaller than gravel. Pebbles are generally between 2-64 millimeters in size, while gravel typically ranges from 2 to 75 millimeters.