If you inhail water you get a thing called soreousenoiseouse which is my scientific term for getting a sore nose!
the ribs expand slightly to give the lungs room to expand also.
breath in and out (:
Possibly. It is certainly not advisable.
air or oxegen
5 or under uncaged pets but you can have as many caged animals only if they not dangeruos to inhail
cough syrup, sore throat sweets warm milk and honey stirred together and talk less, or put your face over some boiled water because when you inhail the steam it helps sooth your throat.
it depends how much you inhail. it would be best to go to a doctor or family gp. good luck!
Nothing happens.
it dissolve in the water
cold water is much heavier than hot water . the water becomes warm
what happens to things that sit in water for a long time?