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A map of Europe in an atlas will show you all the cities it passes through, including four national capitals.

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Q: What four major cities does the river Danube run through?
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Which major cities does the Danube go through?

The Danube River flows through several major cities, including Vienna (Austria), Budapest (Hungary), Belgrade (Serbia), and Bratislava (Slovakia).

Why is the Danube River a major European waterway?

It is the second longest river in Europe. It flows through 10 different countries. It flows through many major cities including 4 capital cities.

What major river that runs through much of Eastern Europe?

The Most important river for Eastern Europes transportation is the Danube River.

Which capital cities are located on major cities?

Vienna, city extends across the Danube River and Novi Sad is located on the banks of the Danube River.Hopes this helps (:

What cities does the Danube River flow through?

Some of the cities the Danube River runs through are...UlmIngolstadtRegensburgPassauViennaBratislavaBudapestMohacsVukovarBacka PalankaNovi SadBelgradeDrobeta Turnu-SeverinVidinRousseGalati

What major river runs through Europe?


What is the major river of Austria and Germany?

The Danube is a major European river that flows through Austria and Germany.

What capital cities are located on the Danube River?

The Danube flows through four capitals: Bratislava, Belgrade, Budapest, and Vienna.

What is the name of the river that runs through budapest?


What river flows through southern Germany?

The Danube River flows through southern Germany. It is the second longest river in Europe and passes through cities such as Ulm, Regensburg, and Passau in southern Germany.

Which River passes through Vienna bratislava budapest and belgrade?

The river that flows through Vienna, Budapest and Belgrade is THE Danube river, who happens to cross Germany, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania borders of Bulgaria and joins the Black Sea at the borders of Romania and Ukraine.

What river goes through three European capitals?

The answer you are looking for is the Danube. It actually flows through 4 capital cities: Vienna - Austria Budapest - Hungary Belgrade - Serbia Bratislava - Slovakia