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Q: What forms where a river's mouth meets the sea or ocean?
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What forms where rivers mouth meets the sea or ocean?


Where does the Amazon River get its source of water?

The mouth of a river is where it meets the sea or ocean. The Amazon river's mouth is actually un-pinpointable because of the rivers amazing length, meaning the mouth covers more than one area.

What does estuary mean in rivers?

it refers to the mouth of the river or the part just before it and its usually below sea level

What forms where a river meets the sea or ocean?


What is the ending of the Amazon River?

The mouth, or the estuary, where it meets the ocean.

What type of wetland forms when freshwater source meets the ocean?

(First answer) Usually at the mouth of a river (second answer) it is Estuary. I think thats what you are looking for -John-

What forms when rivers flow into an ocean?

a delta

What is the Amazon Rivers mouth?

It is where the river flows into the Atlantic Ocean [ Brazil].Atlantic Ocean

A forms where rivers empty into a lake or ocean?


Why do rivers mouth into the ocean?

Please rephrase - the question is unclear.

Where is a mouth of the river?

The Mouth is Where The Clean Water is Going Out and The Salt Water Goes in It is Also Where The River Ends. Edit: No, the mouth of the River is where it empties into a larger body of water. Brackish water has nothing to do with a mouth of a river.

Where does freshwater enter the ocean?

Through the mouth of rivers that reach the ocean and precipitation (rain and snow).