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The Jordan River. There is a small part of the Jordan River north of the West Bank that was part of the Israeli-Jordanian border. This has been greatly expanded since the Six-Day War of 1967, when Israel occupied the West Bank territory and acquired a much longer stretch of the Jordan River. Prior to that war the West Bank was part of Jordan & Jerusalem was a divided city.

The Jordan River forms a large part of that international boundary (between Israel-West Bank and Jordan.

South of the Dead Sea, the Israeli-Jordanian border follows the Wadi Arabah valley.

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Q: What forms the border between Israel and Jordan?
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What 2 countries share the Jordan river as a border?

The Jordan river forms a border between Jordan and Israel.

In which country is the Dead Sea located?

The Dead Sea forms part of the Israel - Jordan border.

What forms jordan's border?

Jordan shares borders with a few other countries. The countries that border Jordan are Syria, Israel, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia.

Is the Jordan river in Egypt?

The Jordan River forms the border between Israel and Jordan. Therefore, half of the river is in each country wherever Israel borders Jordan to the north of the West Bank. (There is a small stretch of the Jordan which is wholly in Israeli territory as it leaves the Sea of Galilee and the Jordan River continues as the border between the West Bank and Jordan until the Dead Sea.)

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The western border of Israel is the Mediterranean Sea.

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Which river forms much of the border between Israel and Jordan?

The Jordan River. There is a small part of the Jordan River north of the West Bank that was part of the Israeli-Jordanian border. This has been greatly expanded since the Six-Day War of 1967, when Israel occupied the West Bank territory and acquired a much longer stretch of the Jordan River. Prior to that war the West Bank was part of Jordan & Jerusalem was a divided city. The Jordan River forms a large part of that international boundary (between Israel-West Bank and Jordan. South of the Dead Sea, the Israeli-Jordanian border follows the Wadi Arabah valley.

The dead sea forms part of israel and?


What country controls the headwaters of the Jordan river in northwest Asia?

As the River Jordan forms the eastern border of Israel, and the western border of Jordan, to claim that one country would have total control over an entire river is incorrect. Traditionally, it was under the control of the Israelites, however, in more modern times, it has remained under joint control.

Jordan is bordered by which countries?

certainly israel syria Iraq & Saudi Arabia but Jordan also shares at least hypothetically an often overlooked sea border with Egypt in the gulf of aqaba & tho jordans border with the west bank aka palestine is questionable because palestine is not really a country & because israel not palestine actually occupies the entire west bank of the Jordan river which forms the boundary with Jordan nevertheless palestine does enjoy a narrow corridor from Jericho to Jordan across the allenby bridge which is thus itself a very short border of sorts with a country of sorts too

What River that forms the eastern border of the West Bank?

the jordan river

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