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Q: What effect would a large quarry have on local shops and tourism?
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What is a sentence for quarry?

The quarry was huge.He was a supervisor at the local granite quarry.

What are the effects of tourism on Botswana' economy?

Tourism has a positive effect on Botswana's economy. Tourism creates a surge of business for local shops, restaurants, and hotels. This is true of tourism in any country of the world.

Is mass tourism still important?

Yes, Mass tourism is still very important. Despite what people are saying about it, and the negative effects it has on environments, it still plays a large role in the tourism industry and the local industry of the area visited. If the tourism industry is to survive, and keep local bussiness's alfloat, then we need mass tourism.

Good effect of tourism on places visited?

Tourism can stimulate economic growth by creating jobs, attracting investment, and generating revenue for local businesses. It can also help preserve cultural traditions and historical sites by promoting heritage and fostering appreciation for local customs. Additionally, tourism can bring about positive social interaction, cultural exchange, and mutual understanding between visitors and local communities.

What is a sentence for the word quarry?

"John works at the local salt quarry""The quarry is very loud because of all the machinery""Please can you give me directions to the quarry?"The men worked hard mining for iron at the quarry.The previous answer used Quarried, which is, completely different from quarry.(his sentence was, the two men quarried in anger)the disused quarry is on the right hand side

What are the industries of the galapagos archipelago?

Tourism is the largest industry in the Galapagos islands. Fishing also plays a large part in the local economy and sustainability.

How did the local people benefit from hotels or eco-tourism venture?

What are some of the possible problems which tourism activities cause to the local environment and society

Major and minor components of tourism?

A major component of tourism is that is stimulates the local economy. A minor part is that it may contribute to the local crime rate.

How much does 40 ton of 57 stone cost?

Call your local quarry, prices vary.

What are the five levels of tourism planning?

The five levels of tourism planning are:InternationalNationalRegionalSub-regionalFacility or site

Differentiate domestic tourism and international tourism?

Domestic tourism is local people touring through. International tourism is when people who normally do not come around due to where they live, come and tour.

How is mass tourism different to tourism?

Mass tourism refers to the phenomenon of large numbers of people travelling to popular tourist destinations, often resulting in overcrowding and strain on local resources. Tourism, on the other hand, is a broader term that encompasses all forms of travel for leisure, business, or other purposes. Mass tourism is typically characterized by standardized experiences, while tourism allows for more diverse and personalized travel experiences.