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a rain forest mainly consists of tall trees with canopys and animals. the weather is humid(a sticky type of hot).

and remember, i luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuvs you ladies

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The Amazon Rainforest is located in a basin. That is the major landform, a basin. Rocks- minimal in that area as it is a basin shape. Soils- Soils of the Amazon Rainforest generally consist of fine sands, silt and clay.

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Scientists say that there is over 3,000 different species of animals in the Amazon Rainforest... The 3,000 types of animals consist of birds, monkeys, panthers, and many others... Hope this helps someone! :-)

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Where are the location?

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Is there such a thing as a rainforest wolf?

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