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a lake coverd in algae...

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Q: What does a lake covered in algae transform into?
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A lake that becomes covered in algae can transform into a .?

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A lake that becomes covered in algae can transform into a _______.

What can a lake that has been covered in algae transform into?

It can turn into a graveyard. The algae will grow and grow and suck up all the oxygen, thus, depriving the marine life below of sunlight and oxygen.

What can A Lake That Becomes Covered In Algae Can Transform Into A?

it becomes a place that is very hard for animals such as fish and aquatic plants to live because of lack of sunlight and algae takes up oxygen so nothing can live there

What might happen in a lake where plants and algae are growing?

Plants and algae can produce a slimy substance in a lake. Blue-green algae is the most dangerous type of algae for a lake to have because it can produce toxins.

How do you use algae in a meaningful sentence?

Algae covered the top of the pond. The pond was full of algae.

What are the producers in the mono lake?

Producers in Mono Lake include algae, cyanobacteria, and phytoplankton. These organisms form the base of the food chain in the lake, converting sunlight into energy through photosynthesis.

What is the thick brown fur usually covered with green algae for?

The algae is for camouflage.

Which lake remains in a liquid from although it is covered with ice?

A lake which remains in a liquid form although it is covered with ice is called an ice covered lake.

Can you get aRash from swimming in algae lake?


How Do you call the proliferation of algae in a lake due to the presence of fertilizer in that lake?

You can call it the nitrate fertilizer effect on algae. There is no technical term for this as there are many types of algae and fertilizers. This could be called pollution too.

What can lead to ponds being covered with algae?

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