an adlet!
No! not any monster can mate with any monster
hit all of them in order
only if the "other animal" is tiny just like it and wants to also mate with them.
You get the strongest character and practice 'till you get it right
Press the down arrow twice
They have tiny little ears on the side of their heads :) just like lizards and other birds.
Stone walls, moats, drawbridges, and tiny windows are defensive structures in the castle. High towers allow people to see enemies coming.
you beat the world 5 castle being tiny.
a castles often had a garderobe.These were small seats built into a tiny closet hangging ower the castles moat.
On world 5 you have to finish the castle at the end on tiny mario... You know the one you get with the tiny blue mushroom? It's the same to get world 4 but you have to do it from world 2...
you have to save the princess to see more of my answer i will write sa-la-sa at the bottom sa-la-sa