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Skiing, hiking, mountaineering. Some just go there for the beautiful scenery.

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Q: What do they do for tourism in the Alps?
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Related questions

What examples are there of tourism in the alps?

There are several great examples of tourism in the Alps. Many tourists visit the Alps to see the cheese making and the woodworking. They also visit to see the mountains at various times of the year.

How has the Swiss alps been changed?

The Swiss Alps have changed because of tourism, erosion and climate change melts the ice.

Who works in the alps?

People involved in tourism and sporting activities and farmers.

Why is tourism a major industry in the french alps?

The high elevation and resulting snow powder on the French Alps make it an ideal tourist area.

Why is tourism in mountains so bad?

i actulay live in the alps and its terribil having touruists there

Is there tourism in the alps?

In the winter months there are lots of snow sports. Tourists go there to ski and snowboard.

What tourism is there in the Alps?

In the winter months there are lots of snow sports. Tourists go there to ski and snowboard.

How did the alps helped shape three culture and economies of the alpine countries?

The Alps have played a significant role in shaping the culture and economies of the alpine countries (Switzerland, Austria, Italy). They have influenced traditional activities such as farming, forestry, and tourism. Additionally, the Alps have helped these countries establish themselves as key players in winter sports and outdoor recreation, boosting their economies through tourism and trade.

Are the alps considered as a valuable resource?

yes because of tourism if that didnt help, so sorry, check google

What economic activity is important in the Alps?

Tourism is a significant economic activity in the Alps, with millions of visitors coming to the region each year for skiing, hiking, and other outdoor activities. Agriculture, particularly dairy farming, is also important in the Alps, with the production of cheese such as Swiss, French, and Italian varieties. Additionally, forestry is a key economic activity in the region, providing wood for construction and other industries.

What are the man made features of the french alps?

Some man-made features in the French Alps include ski resorts, roads and tunnels, mountain huts, cable cars, and churches. These features are important for both tourism and transportation in the region.

What has the author Heidi C Sutton written?

Heidi C. Sutton has written: 'The physical environmental impacts of tourism upon the northern alps of France'