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Crabs are like buzzards. what do you want scavengers. If it's dead they'll pretty much eat it.

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Human brains, flesh, or male genitalia.

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Q: What do ocean crabs eat?
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What eats crabs in the ocean?

The flat fish that hide under the ocean dirt, are the ones to most likely eat crabs in the ocean. Mostly, the camoflauged fish eat crabs in the ocean. Segulls are also most commenly to eat this to. Seagulls eat crabs that live on the shore or, wah up on the shore.

Where do crabs live in in the ocean?

Hermit Crabs live on the bottom of the ocean and eat the grasses that grow on the bottom.

What in the ocean eats crab?

The flat fish that hide under the ocean dirt, are the ones to most likely eat crabs in the ocean. Mostly, the camoflauged fish eat crabs in the ocean. Segulls are also most commenly to eat this to. Seagulls eat crabs that live on the shore or, wah up on the shore.

What do Indian ocean shell crabs eat?

The scalps of Cowboy Ocean shell crabs who try to invade their territory.

What eats snails in the ocean?

Lobsters and Crabs, octopus, Sea Anemones, and sea spiders eat snails in the ocean. A variety of fish also eat snails in the ocean.

Do crabs eat humans?

Crabs in the ocean eat mostly anything that they find that is edible. A live person would not be edible. A dead body of anything in the water would or could be eaten by crabs.

What do hermit crabs eat and why?

They eat fruits, like apple, grape, strawberry, pineapple, and coconut. (These are some examples). They can also eat some types of meat, and they eat these because Hermit Crabs live near the ocean, Unless you are talking about Marine Hermit Crabs (hermit crabs that are underwater). Hope this helps.

What does octoupus eat?

Young octopus eat copepods, larval crabs and larval seastars. Adults eat crabs and fish.

What is a wild hermit crab that lives in water in ocean eat?

Wild hermit crabs eat just about anything they are scavengers

Where in the ocean does a flapjack octopus live?

they eat small crabs and they eat about every thing all the other octopus eat

What enemys a squid has?

Other squid, fish, crabs. A lot of things in the ocean will eat a squid.

Did crabs eat dead human body?

yes, crabs are barbarians!! eat them! yes, crabs are barbarians!! eat them! yes, crabs are barbarians!! eat them! yes, crabs are barbarians!! eat them! yes, crabs are barbarians!! eat them!