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Coral trout are voracious fish eating predators (piscivores).

Younger juvenile trout mostly eat crustaceans, especially prawns which live on or near the reef bottom.

Adult coral trout feed upon a wide diversity of reef fish. The most common type of fish eaten is Damselfish (Family Pomacentridae), and the Spiny Chromis Damselfish (Acanthochromis polyacanthus) seems to be the favourite. Adult coral trout also eat juvenile coral trout.

Individual fish usually feed once every 1-3 days, although some fish sometimes go for many days without feeding. A total of 90% of a single prey item will be digested within 24 hours.

Coral trout only feed during daylight hours and most often at dusk and dawn. They have two different types of feeding methods; ambush and prowling. They also change the colour of their skin when feeding.

They use the ambush method to hunt fish that live among the coral on the reef bottom. The trout will hide and remain very still and alert, ready to attack passing prey. The prowling method is used to hunt schooling fish higher up in the water. Here, the trout will move (prowl) slowly towards the prey and then attack at great speed.

Individual coral trout have different feeding behaviours and success at hunting. This may explain the variability in growth and maturity of individuals.

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