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Kings reigned from castles, presiding over disputes among their subjects. They also protected both king and people during times of war in a kingdom.

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Q: What did kings do in the medieval castles?
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How do castles have something to do with medieval history?

Who is most important in medieval history - kings and emperors. Where do they live - in castles.

What were medieval lords?

Medieval lords were the nobles in charge of lands and castles. They owed allegiance to the kings.

What time period was it called when there were kings and queens and castles?

There still are kings and queens and probably still castles but I think you're referring to the medieval time.

Did king and queens live in the castle in medieval times?

Kings and Queens did live in castles but not all castles had a king or queen living in them.

What castles did they have in Medieval Times?

Medieval castles.

Who protected the medieval castles?

The person that controlled the medieval castles were the kings and queens. But the king and queen didn't like living in the castle for it was to crowded, so they would put the baron in charge while they were in their manor.

What are the difference between medieval castles and today's castles?

There is nothing different between todays castles and medieval time castles. Today's castles were built in medieval times.

How are guests seated when they came for dinner in medieval castles?

they were seated below the kings queens and nobels but they were on top of the sevants and slaves

What were Welsh medieval castles like?

The welsh medieval castles were big and gray.

What kind of kings and queens did Medieval Times have?

Kings & Queens were the Highest-ranking class in the Medieval Times. They weren't as rich as Nobles (sadly to say...) but they controled ALL the power over the land and lived in castles with serfs and servants.

When did they build medieval castles?

Medieval times

Do castles have cannons?

in the late medieval period many medieval castles did have a primitive type of cannon.