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Q: What did a worker get paid working on the chunnel?
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If working overtime a worker is paid by?

A worker is paid by how many hours or how long the worker worked overtime. It depends on the company too.

Did a chef get paid in the Middle Ages?

A medieval chef was paid, regardless of whether he was a household servant, a worker in an establishment that provided meals, or working independently.

2 workers were paid 1500 for a job to split equally but one worker had paid 125 of his own money for supplies and the other worker paid 250 How much should each worker get paid?

The worker who paid £125 should get paid £687.50 and the other worker should get paid 812.50.

How do you call a worker that doesn't get paid?

Wages earned but not paid are referred to as "accrued wages." or a pay in arrears.

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The famous coopers invented by the beer Cooper Thomas Cooper did it

What the benefits of a church worker?

You can grow spiritually by working with a church, get to see what happens behind the scenes of the church, get paid, etc

Disadvantages of fair trade?

Often fair trade products are more expensive. also the other worker that are not working for trade get paid less

What is the meaning of The Chunnel?

The Chunnel is an out-of-date name for the Channel Tunnel.

Where in France does the chunnel come out?

The chunnel comes out in Coquelles, a village near Calais.

What was the chunnel meant to connect to?

The chunnel (actually the Channel Tunnel) connects England to France.

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What is a piece worker paid?

A piece rate worker is paid on the quantity they produce per hour. If they produce more, they will be paid more, based on the rate per finished item.