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A few such animals, such as the kangaroo rat of the North American Deserts, can go its entire life without drinking water as they are able to extract what they need from the digestion of foods they eat.

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10y ago

The kangaroo rat can go its entire life without drinking water. It is able to absorb enough water from its food to survive.

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Q: What desert animal can live without water?
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Is there an animal that can live without water?

I don't think that there is an animal that can live without water...A camel can live the longest without water but cannot completely live without water.... i will search this up but probaly germs

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camel has special physical characteristics to live in a desert and that is why it can live without water for sevaral days.

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They don't! Trees cannot live without water but trees in the desert are able to conserve water and extract limited moisture from the soil. Some have a root system that goes many feet below the surface to zones with more water.

Do animals get dehydrated without water?

Yes. No animal can live without water. Although Camels can last a while without it.

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good doer able to live with out water for a period of time