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Q: What country is bound in part by the Indian ocean and coral and tasman seas?
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What are the names of the surrounding bodies of water around Australia?

Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Coral Sea, Timor Sea, Tasman Sea

Which large nation is surrounded by the Tasman and Coral Seas?

Austalia is an entire continent and nation bordered by the Tasman Sea and the Coral Sea, but it is not surrounded by them. The Tasman Sea lies to the southeast, between Australia and New Zealand, while the Coral Sea lies to the northeast.

What two seas are on Australia's east coast?

Tasman and coral sea

What is the ocean that borders Australia's coastline?

The Pacific & Indian Oceans, the Gulf of Carpentaria, the Bass Straits, the Timor Sea & the Coral Sea & the Great Australian Bight are among seas around the Australian coast.

Which seas does Australia touch?

Indian Ocean, Southern Ocean, Bass Strait, Tasman Sea, Pacific Ocean, Coral Sea, Torres Strait, Arafura Sea, Timor Sea.

What surrounds australia?

Australia is an island, therefore it is surrounded on all sides with water. More specifically Australia is surrounded by the Tasman Sea, the Great Australian Bight, the Indian Ocean, the Timor Sea, the Arafura Sea, and the Coral Sea.

What percent of coral reefs were killed by coral bleaching in the Indian Ocean?

The Sea temp increased 2 degrees and 90% of the coral reef around the Indian ocean was killed or bleached

Major bodies of water in Australia?

Some of the major bodies of water in Australia include the Great Barrier Reef, the Murray River, Lake Eyre, and Sydney Harbour. These bodies of water play important roles in Australia's ecosystem, tourism, and economy.

These islands along the equator are in the Indian ocean?

The islands in the Indian Ocean along the equator include the Maldives, Seychelles, and the Chagos Archipelago. These islands are known for their stunning beaches, coral reefs, and diverse marine life due to their tropical location.

What country did the last name Coral come from?

Coral is a French surname

What seas and oceans surround Australia?

West of Australia is the Indian Ocean and to the east is the Pacific Ocean.South of Tasmania and Australia's southern coastline is the Southern Ocean.North of Australia are the Timor and ArafuraseasTo the southeast, between Australia and New Zealand, is the Tasman SeaTo the northeast is the Coral Sea.Not coming under the heading of either "seas" or "oceans" are also the Gulf Of Carpentaria in the north and the Great Australian Bight, which is essentially a wide, open bay which is part of the Southern Ocean.Between the mainland and Tasmania is Bass Strait while between Cape York in Queensland and Papua New Guinea to the north is Torres Strait.The only oceans which do not touch Australia's shores are the Atlantic and the Arctic Oceans.

Which one of the listed countries uses the ruffian as currency?

The country Maldives uses the currency of Rufiyaa. Maldives is a country that consists of a chain of coral islands in the Indian Ocean. It is is southwest of Sri Lanka. The population is about 339,000.