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Q: What country claimed the lands of the Mississippi river valley?
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Who claimed lands west of the Mississippi River?


What lands did LaSalle explore?

he went to look for the northwest passage but he noticed that is was floating south and west so he claimed the entire Mississippi river valley and its tributes for king Louise 14

Why did the French think they had a right to control the Ohio river valley?

the french claimed that the ohio river valley belonged to htem because when they reached the end of the mississippi river robert lasalle claimed all the land and tributaries land of france

What country claimed the lands west of the colonies in east America?


Who helped France claim lands around the Mississippi River?

Robert la salle claimed all the Mississippi rivers of France

Why did the french build forts along the Mississippi?

They build a fort seeking to keep Spain and England out of lands claimed for France.

What country claimed the lands west of the thirteen colonies during the 1700s?


What lands did Jacques Marquette claim for France?

Jacques Marquette, together with Louis Jolliet, claimed the northern portion of the Mississippi River for France.

Who explored and claimed the Mississippi River Valley for France?

French claimed all the lands from the Mississippi River. Sailor Rene-Robert Cavalier, Sieur de la Salle was the first French explorer to find the land of Louisiana. When he arrived, he found that they were not the FIRST people to live or explore this area of land. These previous inhabitants were the American Indians, therefore nearly creating a war over the land.

Did Julius Caesar live on valley lands?

No he did not. He lived in a house, but not on any valley lands.

What did The Louisiana Purchase included?

lands west of the Mississippi that were owned by the French

What lands did Britain gain through the treaty of Paris?

Almost all of France's land in North America.Which one? To date there have been over 20 treaties all named the Treaty of Paris, of which at least half involve the British.